With CBD oil being widely marketed as a natural solution for treating all kinds of medical conditions, one cannot help but wonder whether it is really that good. What’s more, people have now started giving it to their pets. That raised even further questions about the product and its safety.
All of those questions seem to have been answered positively. CBD turned out to be completely safe for our animals and, as you can see at https://petcbdcommunity.com/cbd-oil-for-dogs-treats, there are numerous reasons why pet owners have decided to administer it to their little friends. From generally promoting their well-being, to treating different health issues…this product seems to have it all.
One specific health issue that this medicine is said to treat has particularly grabbed my attention. I am talking about the separation anxiety that our dogs often develop. This is usually treated with different types of medications and we all know that they all come with some side-effects. So, I started wondering if CBD oil could be a natural substitute for these medications.
Before I get into that, I need to make sure that you know how to recognize the signs of this disorder in your dog. Separation anxiety should not be taken for granted. Plus, the last thing you want to do is scream at your pet for making a mess while you were gone, since that will only make matters worse. It is important to understand the disorder, in order to be able to treat it effectively.
Signs Of Separation Anxiety
In simple words, separation anxiety occurs when a canine becomes nervous and stressed when separated from their owner. Of course, it can range from mild to severe, and it can also get worse over time if not treated. People often attribute this behavior to the owner’s inability to train the dog properly, but this is a wrong attitude. Signs of this disorder should never be taken so lightly. Learn more.
Naturally, every single dog is different. This means that they can exhibit symptoms in different ways. Due to that, it is important that you observe your pet closely, and monitor its behavior. Some signs can often be misinterpreted and in order not to let that happen, you need to be very attentive. The bottom line is, nobody knows your pet better than you, so if you are careful, it shouldn’t be that difficult to spot the symptoms.
Destructive behavior is one of the most prominent signs of this disorder. Of course, you need to be able to differentiate between destructive behavior and mere pup’s play. Since, you know how canines like to chew on things for fun, especially when they are still young. However, if you notice uncalled-for, excessive barking and hauling, you might want to look a bit deeper into that. The same goes for destroying furniture and other items around your home.
If your pup has been properly house trained and then you find it house soiling, then there is definitely something wrong. Along with vomiting, excessive salivation, drooling, this is a sign of separation anxiety. Additionally, if your dog starts whining when it notices that you are about to leave the place, or constantly follows you around when you return, then it might be time to consult a vet. Of course, make sure to look for these symptoms in combination, since one of them alone is usually not a sign of anxiety.
See this for a solution to the problem: https://www.vanityfair.com/style/2018/12/cbd-for-pets
CBD Oil As A Cure
Given that CBD oil is non-intoxicating, or psychoactive in any way, you can give it to your pet without worrying about safety. But, why would you administer it specifically for separation anxiety? Well, research has shown that this natural product can be of significant help in the treatment process. A lot of testing has been done in order to prove this.
By interacting with the endocannabinoid system in your dog’s body, CBD oil stimulates certain receptors that are in charge of regulating and stabilizing mood. Most importantly, it increases the level of serotonin in the brain and makes your pup calmer and happier. If you ask me, this would be a good substitute for all the pills, since it provides a calming effect without any side-effects, which can be rather helpful in treating separation anxiety.