If you spend hours a day on the internet, continue reading to discover a plethora of simple, internet safety rules which will safeguard your safety online! You can also check out Windows Maximizer to keep up to date on everything Windows related.
Internet safety rules that are well worth following:
1. Limit the information which you share online
In today’s day and age, the vast majority of internet users frequently share sensitive personal information such as their location, full name, and occupation with strangers as well as their close friends, family members and colleagues. Worse yet, a lot of internet users constantly post photographs of themselves on the internet, which can be stolen by individuals who wish to steal others online identities.
So if you’re looking to protect yourself online, it’s well worth limiting the information which you choose to share online and using your privacy settings on your social media accounts to prohibit strangers from being able to view your newsfeeds.
2. Only give out your credit card details to websites which you can trust
When it comes to treating yourself to a bit of online shopping, it pays to only give out your credit card details to well-known companies which you can trust. If an online shop offers Paypal as a payment option, it’s always wise to select Paypal, to complete a payment as if you have a dispute with a payment, you can contact Paypal’s support team who may be able to reverse your payment.
Better yet, you can also link your credit card with Paypal so that you can safely use your credit card to pay for items, without having to shift across money from your credit card to your Paypal card.
3. Make sure that you use a variety of different passwords
One of the worst mistakes you can make online is to use the exact same password across a variety of different websites as if one site gets hacked the security of all of your accounts may be compromised. So if you don’t want hackers to be able to access your personal and business emails as well as your bank accounts and social media accounts, it’s well worth using different passwords for each of your online accounts.
4. Make sure that each of your passwords features numbers as well as letters
One fuss-free method of ensuring that your passwords remain secure is to make sure that each password boasts a minimum of two numbers as well as letters. As mixing numbers and letters will drastically decrease your chances of one of your sensitive passwords being hacked.
5. Don’t keep all of your passwords on a computer file
Don’t keep all of your passwords typed up on a computer file as it’s far too risky and may compromise the security of all of your online accounts.
6. Make sure to clear all of your cookies at the end of the day
It’s well worth getting into the routine of clearing your cookies at the end of the day, to avoid any information about your browsing habits being stored or shared with potentially malicious third parties.
If you follow all of the above internet safety rules, you should find that your privacy and assets such as online bank accounts, will be well protected! For more family and kid related tips check out Common Cents Mom!