It doesn’t matter what type of industry you are involved in, chances are you have come across a PDF document a time or two in your professional life. Indeed, in many cases you probably even use them regularly. PDF documents have really come into their own as a useful tool for a wide variety of business applications. However, if you are just starting out with using this program, then chances are you are probably wondering how you can efficiently manage your PDF files. This is definitely a situation where knowledge is power, so consider these six useful tips:
Know how to properly edit your PDF document.
The first step is to know how to edit one of these beauties. While the best method is to start by investing in a PDF editor, there are other methods available if your organization is in a financial pinch. For starters, you could simply convert the PDF document to a Word format with the use of Google Docs. Of course, the only drawback here is that you aren’t able to convert files that are over 2GB. If you want to use this method, all you have to do is find your settings in Google Drive and find the “Convert uploaded files” function. Once you have uploaded your PDF file, then you will be able to download it as a Word document.
You also have the option of editing using Adobe Acrobat. Unfortunately, you do need to have a paid subscription to use this option. However, as long as you are willing to shell out the cash, you can utilize Adobe Acrobat to easily export the PDF file to a Word format to be able to edit it.
There are many other options available, including PDF editing on a Mac and editing your PDF utilizing the seemingly endless list of online PDF editors available for your consideration.
Work on rotating your PDF file.
Another way to make your PDF look as professional as possible is to know how to rotate it. One way to do it would be to simply utilize the Adobe Acrobat program once more by navigating to the “document” and clicking on the “rotate pages” option. After you select the way that your selected page should be rotated, you’re in good shape.
Delete some pages from your PDF document.
There are times where you might want to remove pages from your PDF document. Again, one way to do this would be by utilizing Adobe Acrobat. You can navigate to the “page thumbnails” section. There, you will see all of the pages of your selected PDF. Simply select the pages from this interface and just click the “delete” button. From a Mac computer, simply go to the “Preview” function and yet again pull up the page thumbnails and you can delete the PDF from there.
Merge your PDF files.
Of course, there are plenty of free programs where you can do so, but let’s go ahead and focus on Adobe Acrobat once more. All you have to do is simply click on the “tools” portion of the menu and go to the “combine files” option. After you click on the blue “add files” and select the PDF files you want to combine, you will be able to join two PDF files together. Just click “save as” to save the new file.
Make sure your PDF file is password protected.
Have you ever wanted to password protect your PDF files? Well, you can do that by simply finding the “more options” button when the document is still in Word. In Adobe Acrobat, you can find password protection under the “tools”, “protect”, “encrypt” and then there you will have the ability to set a password.
Be able to sign your PDF.
Finally, another way to properly manage your PDFs is to know how to sign them. In most programs, you can accomplish this simply by finding the “fill and sign” button in the program.
If you keep all of these steps in mind, you will be a whiz at managing your PDF documents in no time