If you have a service to provide, plain and simple, it won’t get off the ground unless it’s on the web. All the more as an orthopedic surgeon. The sole purpose is not only to represent your practice but to obtain clients.
SEO is an acronym for search engine optimization. In short, it is the art of lacing yourself high on search engine listings without paying. We’ll shortly get into more details on why it’s so important and how SEO works.
SEO is the spine of digital marketing and having an SEO plan in place will boost your business. No one uses the yellow pages anymore. Of course, there are a lot of digital marketing firms that are effective in taking care of your online presence. When you invest and hire this SEO provider you are guaranteed to grow as a business.
Why SEO for Orthopedic Surgeons
Adwords vs Organic SEO – Adwords is a tool that simply subscribes you to Google. By paying you ensure that your website shows up among the top four results of a search. It is expensive and is short-lived until the next higher bidder comes along. It uses a pay per click (PPC) format, which means you only get paid if website users click on your ad.
Organic SEO is longer lasting. Once on the top of Google, it is likely to stay there for a long time. If you are considering a long-term and affordable solution to strategic placement, in order for patients to easily locate their doctor on-line, then organic SEO is the way to go.
Specialized and experienced firms will be able to help you in creating an optimization plan. A recent study has proven that 64% of web traffic comes from organic searches, 2% from social media, 12% from direct, and 15% from referral services.
Search engines, such as Google, Yahoo, and Bing gobble up 93% of online contact and the reliance of internet users on search engines is pegged at 91%. Everybody wants to get closer to the top of search results. Those who have excellent optimization plans in place are likely to get the first spot.
There are strategies and tactics that are evolving constantly to help businesses be more visible online. It is based on a complex algorithm that Google keeps updated.
Want to learn more about SEO, read here: https://searchengineland.com/guide/what-is-seo
It’s All About Keywords
Keywords are what people use when searching for answers or results to what they seek. As an Orthopedic surgeon, you have a service to provide to patients. Being able to find you without a hassle on the internet is very important.
Streamline the search for your patients. You don’t want them to end up with an unending global list of orthopedic surgeons. You want to appear at the top of their search list.
Monitoring the Success of Your SEO Campaign
Your positioning on search engines is directly related to how easily you are located and your visitor count. Your goal is to obtain patients. Your online presence is going to make that happen. If you see that not much is transpiring, you need to change tacks. Employ a professional webmaster to achieve a greater online presence.
SEO Friendly Content
Content is king. Having a website that serves only as a short advert won’t help you reach the top of the search. Adding content onto your website that deals with a variety of different on-topic themes will keep your audience engaged.
Evergreen content like helpful videos, articles, case studies, orthopedic success stories and graphics is relevant and enduring. Professional content writers can help add content that has SEO keywords incorporated into this evergreen content, which is not only interesting to your web visitors but also boosts your internet presence. This is content marketing at its best.
It is best served to view content marketing as a long-term game plan. That’s intent is to cement a solid relationship with your customers, your patients, by giving them content that is of superior quality, consistently.
Eventually, when they arrive at a decision, their loyalty has already swung your way and they will purchase your product and expertise as an orthopedic surgeon over your competitors. In contrast to one-off advertising, content marketing scores higher, because it gives your patients a feeling that you care about them.
These days the online part of any successful marketing campaign cannot be ignored.
Content Marketing Strategy
Marketing strategies are a growing commodity. There are so many different content marketing strategies that exist today. In earlier times, marketers had few options, mainly confined to placing ads in newspapers and magazines.
That does not mean they were confined in their creativity. The wording, visuals, and layout made a printed advert a hit or a dud. The main focus shifts here from the marketer to the person he is trying to reach – target market. You need to convey to the person with the problem that your expertise will be able to meet their needs.
The ultimate goal of content marketing is to grow your business and to do that you need to attract paying customers. By having an SEO and content marketing strategy in place you will be able to grow your orthopedic surgery business. There is no call to be overwhelmed, just regard the endless possibilities that you can employ.
Click here to learn more about 21 different marketing strategies.
Let’s Wrap It Up
What was the question; Is SEO relevant for an orthopedic surgeon? The answer is a definite, resounding ‘yes’! SEO puts you and your practice within easy reach of a patient and is a sure shot way to enhance your business growth.
The bottom line is, that without a decent marketing strategy, your orthopedic practice won’t be able to grow as rapidly as competitors who do invest in it. At the end of the day, to be noticed you need to invest in an online search engine optimization strategy. It’s definitely worth investing in.