If you have a business, you need an online marketing strategy. There is simply no way to survive anymore in this day and age without being digital. And one of the key things that should be part of your online marketing strategy is reputation management. The ultimate goal is that you should never have to use reputation repair tactics, because your management operations are working so well, in other words. You will not be the first business to forget about reputation management, however, not in the least because online marketing is already such a broad, varied, and highly complex field. However, you should check out some reputation management consultants reviews and include it in your strategy, not in the least because some of the tactics also fit in with your SEO (Search Engine Optimization) tactics.
How Reputation Management and SEO Come Together
Very simply put, reputation management is exactly what it says on the box: making sure you are in control of your reputation. It is vital that the world, but particularly your employees, your business partners, and your existing and prospective customers, see you as a great company. Building a positive reputation can take years to achieve, yet destroying it takes just a few days. In fact, in today’s world, it takes minutes. A single well-written complaint about you can easily go viral, particularly if you do not strategically manage your reputation. That is the danger of the internet and you have no control over it.
While it may be easy to overlook how important it is to properly manage your reputation, the reality is that doing this could mean your business going under. The way your business is perceived makes all the difference for customers. If you look bad in their eyes, they will simply go elsewhere. After all, there is plenty of competition to choose from. The best way to combat this is by investing in a professional reputation management solution, meaning that an external company will focus on making sure you look good to others. Yes, this costs money but, at the end of the day, it will also help you earn money as it ensures you retain and attract more customers.
So how does this link to SEO? SEO is all about getting your website found on the internet. Reputation management, meanwhile, is all about making sure the positive things about your website are found on the internet. As such, they are one and the same thing. Indeed, a professional reputation management consultant will ensure that any positive comments that exist about you (reviews, press releases, blog posts, and so on), are pushed to the top of the search engine results. They will do this in such volume that any negative posts about you are pushed back to the third page of Google or beyond. Nobody ventures there anymore, meaning it is basically invisible.
Consider that 77% of consumers will search for online reviews before they decide whether or not to shop somewhere, and you will instantly see how important your reputation is.