If you have come to read this article, you are a dedicated player who loves Path of Exile so much that he would do anything to evolve as quickly as possible. In this article we decided to give you some information about the Crafting process that takes place in this game. We will give you some introductory words to better understand what it is about. We will try to make you understand why you should get more involved in this process, which basic things you should know and we will go through some crafting methods. Are you ready? Come on, let’s get started.
Introduction to POE Crafting
The beauty of this game is that you cannot always rely on a single process in this game. Depending on the preferences of the player, Path of Exile can take different forms. Perhaps you are one of those players that is very competitive and you want to be the first of your gang of friends to reach the maximum. Or maybe you want to charm as much as you can to sell Eldorado.gg. No matter what purpose you have in this game, PoE currency, leveling or playing for fun, the crafting process is one that can greatly influence your game activity
Is Crafting Important in PoE?
Not only is it very important. The crafting process is the most important of the game. Because whatever the game mode, everything is reduced to important items that are vital to the convenience of your character. Of course, you can turn the crafting process into a business or a source of fun and satisfaction. Let’s go further.
Crafting Basics
Crafting is a complex process and is a great component of Path of Exile. In essence, you control the future item that you will crave. I mean, you can decide some variations of the name. The main tools used in the crafting process are: Orb of Transmutation, Orb of Chance and Orb of Alchemy. There is much to say in this category, but we let you discover it yourself.
Craft the best item
It is very important to realize what we want to create. Resources are not unlimited and you have to understand very well that a craft item has a purpose. You do not have to crack just because you can turn a few resources into a few items you will not use. Do some research and find out what you need. Maybe what you miss is a gun or a belt or a helmet. The same is true for the bonuses you are offered. Maybe you need physical damage or health regeneration. You never know. Inform yourself and crawl intelligently.
Crafting Methods
The same thing must be taken into account here. The prefixes and suffixes of an item are the most important aspects of this game. Basically it is the basis of your future build. Without going too much in detail, we will tell you that in Path of Exile there are several ways you can craft items. Let’s start talking a little about each.
The Alteration / Augmentation method is used when you want to add a few specific affixes to an item. We recommend using this method when you need a certain affix.
Chaos is a crafting method by which we can represent three other methods. Scour Alchemy and Scour Chance. These methods are used to get a random bonus on a rare item hoping you will get something very good.
Essence craft is a more advanced method. For this method you will need to combine an item using Essences. The advantage of this method is that you will know for sure what will be the first way you want to get the next to be random.
We hope our article has helped you and thank you for taking your time to read!