It’s a fact of life that staying safe often costs money. You pay for those high-end cars with the latest and greatest safety features. You pay for fencing around your property. And you pay for those state-of-the-art home alarm systems that keep you and your family safe inside your own house.
But just because something costs money doesn’t mean you should shy away from it. There’s cost, and then there’s value. What value do you derive from this product you just bought?
When it comes to home security, you should be able to get value out of yours since it could mean the difference between you and your family falling victim to crime and other dangers.
Given that, what features would you like to see in a home security system? Most of them come with the same elements, and that’s a good thing. We’ve figured out how to keep a home safe from would-be burglars.
Here are the three essential features of any quality security system.
If we’re talking about home security, then we have to be talking about cameras. It’s the simplest of things, but it can literally be the deterrent that stops an ambitious burglar from looking further into the prospect of robbing your house.
Home security systems have cameras that constantly record so that you can check them at any time to see what’s going on. You can also go back in time in many security cameras’ feeds to see what may have happened a few hours ago, yesterday, or last week.
This is useful if you’ve only just now noticed something funny on your property, like some damage that wasn’t there before. When criminals see your cameras, they will certainly think twice about burglarizing your house and will tend to move on.
Motion Lights
Motion lights are another invaluable part of your basic home security system. Like cameras, they also serve a simple purpose.
After dark, you don’t necessarily want to keep certain outdoor lights on all the time. But at the same time, you don’t want to give the cover of darkness to any burglar who would try to break into your back door, basement windows, or garage.
What do you do, then? You have motion lights installed. Anytime anything moves in the light’s range, the bright light comes on to call your attention and make any would-be burglars uncomfortable with continuing.
Window and Door Sensors
Last on this list are window and door sensors. So, if you want to stop people from breaking into your house, or at least heavily deter them, you would do well to ensure your system has window and door sensors.
If you’ve never seen them before, they’re little pieces that you attach to your windows and doors, with other pieces that pair up with them on the wall or frame next to them.
The idea is, when you arm your alarm, a link is formed between the pieces. If that link is broken by a burglar opening a window, for example, the alarm sounds. Ideally, at that point, the criminal runs for it, trying not to get caught.
Taking all these things together, you can see how a good home security system brings together multiple parts to formulate a relatively safe environment for you and your property.