People are so dependent on their computers, that when they break down, it becomes a serious issue. Of course, they want their computer to be up and running as soon as possible, but that is easier said than done.
It goes without saying there are a ton of things that can go wrong with computers, mostly because everyone’s computers are completely different, in terms of system and settings. Due to this, it can be impossible to determine what is wrong with the computer, which may be difficult to get it back in working order.
Surprisingly, a lot of issues have the same root cause. Before you contact a professional to get help, you should instead check out these 8 great troubleshooting ideas to fix your computer in no time.
Update Your System Software
Many computers have problems because they may have not been updated in quite some time. With un-patched and outdated software, problems are bound to arise, causing glitchy keyboards and ransomware attacks. Even though updates are applied automatically these days, they may require a reboot. So reboot your computer whenever an update has been downloaded and installed.
Since your operating system is everything, you need to focus on it first and foremost. Look for updates by selecting Settings > Update & Security for Windows 10; on macOS, access the App Store > Updates tab. Once this has been taken care of, check for updates for other applications i.e. antivirus program and web browser etc. Once again, updates may be handled automatically, but if they are not, you should take care of it manually.
Get rid of Bloatware
Unused, older programs must be deleted immediately. Not only do they take up valuable space, but the more bloatware you have on your computer, the greater are the chances of it breaking down.
If you have a lot of bloatware, it may cause your system to work overtime. There are chances of files breaking more often as your system tries to save them, referred to as fragmentation. So, if your system crashes more often and runs slow, it is most likely because of all the unnecessary software you haven’t taken care of yet. For this reason, you should uninstall such software and apps sooner rather than later.
It is worth nothing, bloatware applies to web browsers as well. They can have a ton of add-ons and extensions you may not need at all. Get rid of these add-ons and extensions, only keep those that you actually use.
Test Your Wi-Fi Network
This solution is specifically aimed at internet-related problems, but it is something that needs to be dealt with, since a computer without internet seems pointless.
To get your internet connection working again, you must determine where the problem lies. Start by plugging your computer directly to the router via an Ethernet cable. If you still do not get internet connectivity, chances are your ISP or router is the cause of the problem. Contact your ISP for further assistance, or get a new router.
If some devices do not get internet while others do, then those devices are at fault. Reboot those devices, update software and switch the Wi-Fi off and on again.
Scan Your Computer for Viruses
This solution is the most effective, as long as your computer does not suffer from a hardware-related issue. Run your antivirus program, and scan your computer for viruses. Remember to choose the most comprehensive type of scan available, and update your antivirus program beforehand. If your computer catches a virus, you can get it fixed at your home by calling computer repair in Calgary.
Reinstall the OS from Scratch
This route is the best solution to get rid of bloatware on your Mac or Windows based computer system. It gets rid of bloatware, restores factory settings, and gives you a clean slate to work with. Before your reinstall the OS on your computer, make sure you back up all of your data.
Reinstall Drivers
It would be a good idea to reinstall drivers for peripherals that do not work or are malfunctioning. If the problem persists, then those peripherals are at fault or the computer’s ports could have issues.
Reseat Hardware inside Your Computer
There may be a chance that the hardware could come loose inside the case, especially if it had been moved around or you made hardware changes recently. All you need to do is to reseat hardware inside your computer, ensuring all components are seated properly and in their appropriate sockets.
Switch it off and on Again
If you have not powered off your computer in a while, it could be the cause for many of the issues you may be facing. In this case, you should most definitely switch it off and on again.
Computers are machines which get messed up every now and then. If you maintain it and keep it organized, it will work for a longer period. However, the issues can be resolved easily by showing your PC to professionals.