We have all heard of the expression ‘you learn something new every day’ but have you ever asked why we do this? We as a species learning is an inbuild need, without even trying we all seek to learn, to develop and progress our knowledge in things that interest us. Why is it easier to learn this way than when we were at school? Well, when we were at school we had to learn in a certain way, mostly sat at a desk with a teacher in front of us lecturing us. While for some this is a great way to learn, for most this an ineffective way to not only learn but to retain information. The big difference in day-to-day life when we learn is that we are also doing things we enjoy, things that we have an interest in, things that engage us intellectually. This could be in conversation, watching videos, interacting with others etc. This variety of stimulus helps us to focus, learn and retain what we are learning.
How can this help up when we are looking to further our education? Well, instead of picking a traditional course, in a setting like what we did in school, why not try an interactive learning platform? This type of course caters for those with different learning styles and understanding what they are and why style you are will help you when you are learning. There are four main learning styles, visual learners, auditory learner, kinaesthetic leaners, and reading/writing learners. Most people are a mix of a couple of these, for example I am a visual and kinaesthetic learner so by showing me how something works and by trying it myself I can learn quickly. However, if you give me a book to read to learn then it will take me an age to learn anything.
The interactive learning platform are built to mix these learning styles, to be a bit more like how we learn naturally in day-to-day life. They involve videos, quizzes, lectures, interactions etc, by combining learning styles it allows us to have the best chance to learn, to understand and retain what is being taught. The more we feel like we aren’t in a classroom to more productive our training will be. These types of courses have become invaluable over the last couple of years, it has allowed people to progress in their field even with the restrictions caused by the changing world.
It might be that you haven’t heard of this type of course but if you are interested in further educations then I would highly recommend looking into an interactive learning platform.