Some of the essential information about our lives is on the internet. Our names, date of birth, marital status, and work are public on our official sites; everything we post on social media is visible. You can use any of this information to search for your online profile; however, the easiest and the fastest way to check your profile are by using your first and last name. You can also use other search engines to view the available information about yourself. You can also check your online profile in these steps;
Select a Search Engine
You can opt to use any search engine such as Google, Mozilla, or yahoo to view your profile. You will realize many people are using the same name. To distinguish your profile from other people using a similar name, use different versions of your character like nickname, shortened title, or maiden name. Narrow down your search to where you live, where you schooled or your work.
Search on Specific Sites
Many sites can help you to trace your online profile. You can use sites like peek,,, or can help you to see what information about you is visible online. You might be surprised how much information about you is on the internet. If you do not like how much data you see online, you can opt-out from some sites.
Discover the Available Images
Search for images associated with your name by typing your name using quotations and different versions of your character. Google will always provide pictures associate with that name. You can scroll downwards to see if the photographs available are yours. Click the images to see what information is published on the website. Ensure that you are familiar with all the images appearing on your profile for easy online reputation management.
Use the White Pages
Use the white pages to get any information available. Type your contact with your area code to see if it brings your name and address. If your connection is not listed, it will not show any information. Several sites can provide your personal information using your phone number. You can also search your name using your published blog or article using the exact name you used when posting.
Social Media Search
Do your search using social media sites that you have registered and see what information is out there. Most social media sites show your details to the public. However, you can control what information you share with the public. This method may provide limited information and get your most critical information such as name, date of birth, residence, friends, and family. You can deactivate some of your old social media accounts to ensure that you do not have a lot of information about yourself exposed to the public.
Checking your online profile will help you to know what information about yourself is on the internet. It is also essential to understand that some of the data is safe when kept discrete. Make sure you check your profile frequently to make sure you know exactly what information is out there.